In Pursuit of a (New) Passion

It has somehow already been 10 months since I pushed the reset button and decided to take a break from my career. Not an easy decision because like most people I know I poured heart and soul into my career.  I was (and still am) passionate about my profession.  But it turns out I was pouring a little too much heart and soul into my career and not enough into the other important parts of life.  It took me a few years from the time the idea started to the time I actually took the leap, but that is ok because I needed to reach a place of complete certainty.

As a recovering work-aholic I was shocked at how easy it was fill the last 10 months with productive things (no Netflix binge watching!!).  I have relished sleeping through the night, checking long overdue items off the ominous to-do list, and pursuing some long postponed dreams (je peux parler français!!!).  I think most who see me now will agree that I am a more pleasant version of me and while I will forever be a work in progress it’s a good start.  Seriously lucky and thankful girl to have the flexibility and freedom to try a few new things out.

But… after reviving and refreshing I am ready to jump back into it!  However, I had to figure out exactly what “it” is.  So soul-searching began…what is important to me, what am I passionate about, and how can I rock my natural skills?  Well when you mention talents…that means I needed a super spreadsheet to support this soul searching (yes, I really created one).  So after creating tons of spreadsheets, researching to my hearts content on ideas,  and scrapping not so good ideas…We found just the thing for a new adventure and I (we) am super excited about it!

Check Mark ImageMy passions: Travel, all things people, making things pretty, new experiences

Check Mark ImageSkills: Organized, business know-how, creating bad-ass spreadsheets, planning and executing a project (I promise I am not as boring as I sound).

So all of that just screams tourism and hospitality, right?  Yup, I totally agree!  As an added perk, anyone who adores HGTV like me knows it is all about…location, location, location.  So isn’t it just perfect that we live in one of the best year-round outdoor vacation destinations in Quebec?

So the first test phase is underway!  We have purchased 2 ski chalets to renovate and turn into a cozy, dreamy rental properties.  I have tons and tons of  ideas and long-term visions about where to take this and I am jumping out of my skin with excitement.  But first things first…getting the first 2 houses ready to welcome guests.

I know lots about running businesses.  I know a little bit about using a hammer, nails and power tools.  I am a newbie when it comes to hospitality, tourism, and building a business in Canada as an US expat.  So time to acquire some new skills and expertise!

The best part is that I get to break out all those pink tools my dad has given me over the years as I roll up my sleeves.  I am sure there will be plenty of mishaps (hopefully no missing body parts) and victories (I really want to know how to lay tile) along the way, so I hope you will follow along in my adventure!

By spring I hope we are ready to welcome our first guests!  Anyone want to be my guinea pig???

Its Mine - 6 Rue des Frenes

36 thoughts on “In Pursuit of a (New) Passion

  1. oh my! i’m so excited for you … and possibly a slight bit envious 🙈 however, i’ve always wanted to visit Canada, so I’d love to be one of your visitors !!! ❤️❤️


  2. I called 5 times and sent you 7 emails. Just kidding. :-/.
    I love the blog and the concept.

    Are dogs allowed in the rentals?


  3. Ok, let me say- you give 100% at everything you do, so this blog and renovation will be no exception! This is awesome!! How exciting! I think you will have those places filled up all the time! I am already ready for my next passport stamp (just like we talked about- the bug) and I would love to check it out and pass it on to other people as well! Best of luck- I’ll be following along and of course, continuing to reach out for advice and tips form the master!!!


  4. Kerri! What a treat it is to read your posts on travels and other stuff! So glad to see you launch the ski rentals! Keep going my girl! You are awesome! Best wishes! Hope to see you in atlanta sometime soon.

    Love the name of your blog😊


  5. When I read your post about leaving the corporate world, I was hoping your story would take a happy turn, and it did! The rental properties sound perfect for you. My hubby and I visited Quebec for our 25th anniversary, and would love to come back. You live in a beautiful city. I want to run the marathon.When we do come back, I will definitely contact you about renting one of your chalets!


    1. The marathon is on my list too! I am loving working with my hands and creating these rental chalets. A completely different kind of fulfillment. I would love to host you guys!


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